The Full Strength Cigars Collection is crafted for smokers who appreciate bold, robust flavours and an intense smoking experience. Full-bodied cigars are known for their richness and depth, often delivering complex notes that evolve with each puff. These cigars are ideal for those who seek a stronger nicotine hit and more powerful flavours from their smoke.

Sourced from renowned regions such as Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, these cigars boast intricate profiles of spice, earth, leather, and dark chocolate. Full strength cigars are typically enjoyed after a hearty meal or in the evening, when their rich flavours can be fully appreciated.

Best paired with aged whisky, bourbon, or espresso, full strength cigars are the perfect choice for special occasions or as a satisfying conclusion to a long day. Their boldness makes them an excellent complement to intense flavours, making for a truly indulgent experience.

For aficionados in Great Britain seeking a premium and powerful smoke, this collection of full-bodied cigars offers a selection that is sure to captivate the senses and provide a lasting impression.


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