The Mild Strength Cigars Collection offers a smooth and gentle smoking experience, making it ideal for beginners or those who prefer a lighter touch. Mild cigars provide delicate flavours that are easy on the palate, offering a refined and subtle smoking experience without overwhelming the senses.

Featuring premium tobacco from regions such as the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, and Connecticut, these cigars often deliver creamy notes of cedar, nuts, and light spices, creating a beautifully balanced smoke. Mild cigars are perfect for pairing with a morning coffee, a light rum, or even a refreshing tea, making them an excellent choice for early in the day or during a relaxing afternoon.

Designed for those who appreciate elegance and restraint in their cigars, the mild strength profile is best enjoyed during casual, laid-back moments. For cigar enthusiasts in Great Britain and beyond, this collection offers a selection of cigars that are gentle yet flavourful, perfect for those seeking a more subtle smoking experience.


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