New World Cigars

New World Cigars offer a fresh perspective on the art of cigar making, drawing on the rich traditions and fertile lands of regions such as Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, and Brazil. These countries are celebrated for their premium tobacco, each delivering distinct flavour profiles that captivate the modern aficionado.

Meticulously crafted with attention to detail, these cigars present bold and complex flavours. From rich layers of spice and earthy cedar to indulgent notes of cocoa and coffee, New World Cigars provide a refined smoking experience that evolves with every draw. Perfect for those who appreciate both tradition and innovation, this collection showcases the finest cigars from regions that are shaping the future of cigar craftsmanship.

For cigar enthusiasts in Great Britain and beyond, this selection of New World Cigars offers an invitation to explore the bold and diverse tastes of these renowned regions. Whether for a special occasion or an everyday indulgence, these cigars bring luxury and sophistication to your collection.


Smoking Room

The Bar

The Wardrobe

The Office