
Orders of £75 or more enjoy free shipping across the UK. Orders under £75 incur a £9.99 shipping fee.

We’re dedicated to promptly delivering all orders, big or small, right to your doorstep.

Each order, whether it includes cigars or accessories, undergoes meticulous handling. Our team hand-picks every cigar, ensuring they are in optimal condition before they reach you. Additionally, cigars are individually checked to ensure they meet our high standards. 

Accessories also undergo thorough quality checks to ensure they are in perfect condition. 

Furthermore, all cigars are carefully packed, sealed in humidity packs, and cigar boxes are accompanied by Boveda packs, guaranteeing that your items arrive in pristine condition.

Orders are processed promptly within 24 hours on weekdays, excluding weekends, ensuring a prompt start to your delivery journey.

We deliver your orders via courier 24h signed and tracked delivery service, ensuring the secure and reliable transportation of your items.

Regardless of your order size, rest assured that your package will be swiftly and securely delivered right to your doorstep, providing peace of mind every step of the way.

We deliver to most mainland UK postcodes, ensuring that aficionados from all corners can enjoy our products.

Our commitment to quality extends from our selection to our delivery, ensuring that every customer receives the finest experience possible.

Delivery Terms for Toro Puro

• We will provide you with an estimated delivery date. In rare cases, delivery might be affected by circumstances beyond our control. If this happens, we will notify you and make every effort to resolve the situation as quickly as possible.

• Your order is considered delivered once the products arrive at the address you provided, or if you or a carrier you’ve arranged collect them from us. From that point, the products are your responsibility.

• Ownership of the products transfers to you once we have received full payment, including any applicable delivery fees.

• If we miss the agreed delivery deadline, you may cancel your order under the following conditions:

• We have refused to deliver the products.

• Delivery by the deadline was crucial, based on the circumstances.

• You informed us prior to order confirmation that delivery by a specific deadline was essential.