
Davidoff Signature No.2

A Panetela format cigar worthy of the legendary Zino Davidoff himself.

Savour the refined elegance of ‘Davidoff Signature No.2,’ a light-bodied Dominican cigar known for its signature ‘pigtail’ top and impeccable craftsmanship. This cigar unfolds a rich tapestry of bold, earthy, and woody flavours, perfectly balanced with subtle floral aromas. Each puff offers a smooth, creamy aftertaste, making it a timeless classic cherished by aficionados.

Despite its slightly shorter length, the Davidoff Signature No.2 exudes a delightful aroma, making it an ideal morning cigar to pair with a nice espresso.

Perfect for accompanying fish and tea as well, this luxurious cigar enhances any occasion with its sophisticated and satisfying experience.

Strength 1/5

Main flavour notes

Floral notesWood notesNut notes

Perfect parings


Tasting Notes for Davidoff Signature No.2:

- Rich, Earthy Essence: The Davidoff Signature No.2 Panetela cigar offers a bold and timeless elegance with its rich, earthy essence. From the first draw, aficionados are greeted with the classic flavours that define a premium cigar experience, setting the tone for an indulgent smoke.

- Harmonious Floral Aromas: Amidst its rich earthiness, this cigar surprises with harmonious hints of floral aromas that add depth and complexity to its profile. These floral notes elevate the smoking experience, offering a delightful contrast to the robust flavours.

- Clean, Creamy Aftertaste: As the smoking journey unfolds, the Davidoff Signature No.2 leaves behind a clean, creamy aftertaste that lingers on the palate. This satisfying finish is the hallmark of a well-crafted cigar, leaving aficionados with a lasting impression of sophistication and refinement.

- Refined and Satisfying Smoke: Crafted to perfection, this cigar is a true masterpiece for aficionados seeking a refined and satisfying smoke. From its impeccable construction to its balanced flavour profile, the Davidoff Signature No.2 delivers an experience that is both indulgent and memorable.

Length: 6"
Ring Gauge: 38"

Format: Panatela

Wrapper: Connecticut from Ecuador
Binder: Hybrid Connecticut/Habano Seco from Ecuador
Filler: Piloto Seco , San Vicente Seco, Olor Seco

Smoking Time: 25 mins


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