
While we strive to ensure the highest quality cigars in every order, we understand that issues may arise. However, due to the nature of cigars—once they’ve been smoked, we can’t verify their condition—we unfortunately cannot offer refunds for cigars. If there are any delays with delivery or if you encounter any defects or issues with a product before smoking, please reach out to our customer service team immediately. We’ll work diligently to resolve the issue and ensure your satisfaction.

For more details please check our Returns and Refund Policcy.

For non-cigar products, we offer free returns subject to Terms & Conditions. Whether it’s a leather good or a whisky glass, if you’re not completely satisfied with your purchase, we’re here to help. Simply use our contact form to notify us of any concerns, and we’ll assist you with the return process.

For more details please check our Returns and Refund Policcy.

At Toro Puro, we stand behind the quality of our products. Your satisfaction is our priority, and we are committed to providing you with a hassle-free returns process. If for any reason you're not completely satisfied with your purchase, simply reach out to us, and we'll work with you to make it right. Whether it's a refund, exchange, or assistance with a defective item, our dedicated team is here to ensure your experience with Toro Puro is nothing short of exceptional.

Thank you for choosing Toro Puro we appreciate your trust and look forward to serving you with integrity and excellence.